Bowel Mvmts/ Microwave?

About (not) consuming fresh raw fish and fresh raw egg yolks
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Bowel Mvmts/ Microwave?

Post by chrissy »

Hi, everyone!
No I wasnt asking if I could microwave my bowel movemets...sorry for the misleadfing (and gross) title. After the second day of consuming raw eggs and sashimi (salmon and Tuna), I had THE worst diarrhea which is just now going away. It was acidic, and burned....areas....of my body. Sorry for the TMI, but I felt like I should just explain what was wrong. Anyways. I know what you guys are probably gonna say, and Im sure there are some negative aspects of doing this but I was wondering if we could microwave our meat (such as the sashimi) for long enough to kill the bacteria (maybe like 30 secs) but not long enough to actually cook it? Just throwing that out there because I refuse to let raw meat pass my lips after that science experiment gone terribly wrong...
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Re: Bowel Mvmts/ Microwave?

Post by panacea »

you should always slowly work up your raw food amount, starting with half or just one raw egg yolk.
never consume the egg white, never consume the yolk sac (puncture and drain it into a glass), and
never consume raw tuna (as far as I know this is not safe, but I'm not a fish eater, salmon I know is perfectly ok though).

Always buy the best quality raw salmon, if it says atlantic salmon it's not good, it has to say WILD CAUGHT.

Wild caught raw salmon should never cause that bad diarrhea, although the yolks might if you got a bad one. always inspect the yolk, it will be easy to tell if it's contaminated because it will feel/look/smell different. Never open an egg and then store it for later drinking/eating, do not make a 'yolk smoothie' and save it for later, eat all yolks right after opening the egg shell to prevent toxin growth.

Also, I have recently been reading convincing things which suggest that sick people, or unhealthy people, cannot handle raw or cooked animal food (including yolks or salmon) as well as healthy people (these are ideal healthy foods for healthy people). Therefore, in the beginning, if you are sick or unhealthy, slow/lightly cooked vegetables could be much better than raw animal food. The reason for this is people develop allergic responses to animal foods (cooked or raw) when sick due to animal proteins closely resembling human proteins. Vegetable proteins do not closely resemble ours and so are less likely to cause an allergic reaction. After 2-3 weeks of a vegetarian diet where you are eating very small meals, and undereating slightly, so as to spare your enzymes for the processes of repairing your digestive tract rather than handling allergic issues, you should transition to the animal proteins, and the real wai diet, for the optimal diet and health.
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Re: Bowel Mvmts/ Microwave?

Post by dime »

Yes, basically you should start with a teaspoon of yolk and add a bit more each day.
Raw tuna is safer than salmon regarding parasites, but contains too much mercury as far as I know. Did you eat the sashimi in some restaurant? I've had problems with sashimi in restaurants too, but never with fish I've bought myself.
What you can do for the fish in the beginning is marinate it with lemon for 2-3 hours. Microwave doesn't sound good.
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Re: Bowel Mvmts/ Microwave?

Post by RRM »

No, you cant use a microwave.
First, your body needs to adapt to the raw food, so gradually ease yourself into this diet.
After a while, your body can perfectly deal with the bacteria.
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