Slow Juicing results

About consuming fruits; fresh, dried or juiced.
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Slow Juicing results

Post by panacea »

I got the Omega VRT350HD Juicer 3 days ago, which is a slow juicer almost exactly like the Hurom Slow Juicer.

Most juices taste like I expected - better than the whole fruits but nothing special - still not as good compared to my old junk food memories (even though they taste like crap in reality)

However.. there is one juice I discovered so far that is.. perfect.. better than any food, junk food included, I have ever had in my entire life, even icecream. And that is extremely ripe banana juice mixed with some bosc or barlett pears.. wow. It's not so much a juice as a smoothie but it's amazing. I feel absolutely no craving for anything but that drink when I have it available to me. The only problem is not drinking it too fast because it's more addicting than a milkshake. I went out and bought a crazy amount of bananas I even ran out of room in my apartment to put them except the floor, this special juice was worth the price of the juicer alone. Can't wait to experiment further I have only juiced about 1/3 or 1/4 of the fruits available in my supermarket.

I think the key to having that perfect taste is that the bananas were extremely brown, and ripe, whereas almost all other fruits in my supermarket are probably picked way too early and don't ripen as well as bananas.

By the way this was a total shock to me as I have come to hate bananas in their whole form. They give me constipation and gas, and taste yuck. Even with the same ripeness that tastes like heaven when juiced. And no intestinal problems at all with the banana juiced. I tried to make the same thing with not as ripe bananas and it just wasn't the same.

Buy a slow juicer you will feel a thousand times better.

You will also be annoyed with all the left over fruit peels you have to dispose of.
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by dime »

Hah nice, now I'll have to look for a slow juicer, this got me really intrigued..

I mostly eat bananas, because as you said they ripen really well compared to most other fruits, and I didn't even know you could juice them.

Is there a lot of pulp left from juicing a ripe banana? And how easy is to clean this (from the pics I've seen it looks really complicated)?
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by panacea »

yes bananas are messy
it cleans out of the machine as easy as anything else when done right after you finish juicing under some hot water, really only takes about 4 min to clean the whole machine and put it back together

bananas don't make a lot of juice, so you need a lot of them or to juice them with something that does make a lot of juice.. like pineapple (a single pineapple for me usually makes about a liter of juice).
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by dime »

so bananas are 75% water, do you get around that much juice?
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by panacea »

no not at all, bananas that go through slow juicer have moist looking pulp waste, and the most pulpy 'juice' of all the fruits I juiced
still, for me, bananas are the cheapest per lb, so it works out (bananas are 54 cents a pound here, so 6 bananas for a dollar basically, which, six bananas make about 11-14 oz of juice I would say but I haven't measured it exactly could be more or less, will measure as soon as my new bananas ripen)
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by mario91 »

I just ordered a week ago 2 manual masticating juicers from uk juicers. I thought about buying an electric but those were way too expensive for me! Specially yours, Panacea, you did quite an investement there hehe!

Meanwhile, I've been on a juice/oils/yolks fast for 1 or 2 weeks, and I've been using my centrifugal juicer. It's not that bad... but the juices definitely lose some taste and, specially, texture. Depends on fruits also. And yes, banana juice is awesome! I love pear juice too. Gonna try that bombastic mix tomorrow! ;)

Btw I've found a kinda bombastic mix too: 0.5liter of white melon juice, with 2 or 3 egg yolks and 1tbsp of OO. Drink it cold with a straw. Tastes like milk with honey :D. Really good stuff.
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by panacea »

Just wanted to point out that I now can get almost triple the juice from bananas in the slow juicer by taking banana-only pulp waste from the machine and putting it back in, as it's still very moist it causes no problems and more juice gets extracted each time. Now I'm up to 10-11 oz of banana juice (verrry little pulp, tastes like thin cream) per 2 bananas (large bananas, ripe). That's only about 6 bananas per liter! Which is very cheap since, at 24 cents per large banana (not even bulk price, that's wal-mart price!) that is only $1.44 per liter, or $2.52 per 1.75 L. Since 1.75 L of orange juice in the store fridge costs $2.88, then I'm finally saving money and getting better juice xD

If I can find somewhere to buy bananas in bulk it would really be great! Not to mention this is way better tasting than even the best store orange juice I've had.
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by overkees »

On bananas there are almost no pesticides used. And it has a thick peel. Plus they are really cheap. Bananas ftw!
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by panacea »

yeah.. im starting to go bananas for juiced bananas.. other juices taste good but I always want some bananas in them.. like juicing watermelons (great for when you get a watermelon that isnt dark red inside and tastes not sweet enough, then juice it, it will taste good enough), i want to mix bananas in with the watermelon to give it more texture/taste but I'm wondering if fruit mixing rules still apply when there is no fiber/pulp/pith or whatever.. Is watermelon juice still advised to be consumed seperate from anything non-melon?
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by dime »

That's what I was going to suggest, if it's moist just run it through again. I wonder whether this juicer can handle coconuts.. that would be a really nice way to add some healthy fat to the juices. I'm so buying it if it can juice coconuts :)
Not sure about the mixing rules, haven't drunk juices much at all, besides orange juice a few times.
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by RRM »

Regarding juices there should be different rules, indeed.
I think that watermelon and bananas will combine well in a juice.
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Re: Slow Juicing results

Post by mario91 »

My masticating juicer arrived yesterday... I bought this one:

Pulp leaves a bit wet, but no more than with my centrifugal juicer...

But juice quality is just great!
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