Mary Ruwart (politician)

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Mr. PC
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Mary Ruwart (politician)

Post by Mr. PC »

I was wondering what you guys think of presidential candidate Mary Ruwart, I'm interested in all of her political views but I just clued in how she might be a hit in the wai community.

She has a PHD in biophysics, but is very much against the industry. Here's a link to a youtube video.
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Post by panacea »

politicians to me are slow, outdated assets.. they basically mimic the majorities rule, with a bit of lag time, and too much sugarcoating, taking money under the table, etc. The fundamental problem here though is that the majority are led like sheep by those with the knowledge to do so, those behind the scenes in media for instance, or other powerful influencing positions. Since I'm 20 the best case I can think of is the twilight thing, it was a book series, now also a movie, and it shapes so many girls views of what they want. People fall in line to a more 'beautiful' idea created by someone else all the time, but beauty advances too slow the politician way. Solution: put a strong monetary motivator in place for innovative and productive systems rather than ones that keep the public 'cool', or make minority groups money (advertising for milk, fast food, etc illustrates this problem.) there is a huge monetary benefit behind misleading people to adopting inefficient ideas (drinking milk, eating fast food) and to keep them blind sheeple rather than investing in them, giving them truth, so that they may become inventors or something to help the world in whole. Electing one good person or a hundred good people will get you relatively nowhere compared to encouraging a better fundamental system.
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Post by Oscar »

Moved this to General Discussion.

You might want to have a look at Fall of the Republic, a documentary by Alex Jones. Personally I'm not a fan of Alex Jones, but he does have something worthwhile to say.
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Re: Mary Ruwart (politician)

Post by Mr. PC »

I agree with most of the views in this video, but the cheesy horror movie music and narrator voice really turn me off. I don't know why they can't just present the information.

I'm not really sure about Ron Paul. Even though I'm normally a complete anti-republican, I do generally like him. I do notice a lot of his followers are insane and a lot of really smart people are really against him, but never really give me a straight answer why.

I should have linked Mary Ruwart's pharmaceutical info, rather than the link I game. I'm gonna try to find something better to upload.
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Re: Mary Ruwart (politician)

Post by panacea »

maybe those people are wealthy :)
as far as I know ron paul is all about doing the fair things while the others are puppets for the continuation of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer corruption mentality.. which isn't a bad thing economically because it rewards innovation but then again it also strongly rewards exploiting. So I guess it's all about what's best for you :)
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