Whiter teeth?

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Whiter teeth?

Post by Singingcrowsings »

I've been eating 90-95% Wai for a couple months now, and it seems to me my skin isn't just silkier but my teeth are a lot whiter. My eye teeth had a slight yellowing starting to happen when I started, and now it's gone.

Am I the only one? Is this a coincidence, or are there others experiencing this too???
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by panacea »

are you drinking OJ? store bought or fresh squeezed?
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by overkees »

Yeah it's true, orange juice withens your teeth.

Orange juice, due to its acidity and sugar content also eats away your teeth. Especially when sipped during the day. That's also one of the most important reasons to put fat in the juice! Fat often acts as a antimicrobe agent. It also coats your teeth to protect it. When it comes to fat, eating saturated fats results in the best antibacterial agent. So eating coconut oil when it comes to dental health, is a smart thing to do. Washing your mouth with water helps to neutralize acidity. And brushing your gums lightly is also very important.

If I drink a coke, my teeth are covered ith plaque. If i drink orange juice combined with fat. My teeth are really white, shiny and free of plaque. This is the best indicator when it comes to dental health. The amount of plaque on teeth and tongue.

Eating grains results in a lot of fibers with long carbohydrates and stickyness in your mouth. That will provide a better environment for bacteria in your mouth for a longer time. So grains in combination with juice is BAD!
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by Singingcrowsings »

It's interesting, eh? But does that mean we have to be careful it's not eating away out teeth if we're adding oils at the same time or not? So far, I'm liking the results. And... I believe many people actually brush their teeth with coconut oil for it's antibacterial properties.

@pancea... I drink mostly fresh squeezed OJ, but have been known to buy other juices i.e. mango juice, that's why I say I'm not eating 100% Wai.
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by RRM »

Singingcrowsings wrote:does that mean we have to be careful it's not eating away out teeth if we're adding oils at the same time
No, the fat is protective.
without the fat you need to be more careful (use a straw, rinse with water).
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by waipete »

is OJ the only culprit for eating away at your teeth or do all or some do the same thing?

This reminds me of sugar being bad for your teeth, maybe it's not?
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by RRM »

waipete wrote:is OJ the only culprit for eating away at your teeth or do all or some do the same thing?
Basically, all eating and drinking does.
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by overkees »

It's about the acidity making your protective layer soft. But the major factor is the food that stays in your mouth, bacteria multiply in it and digest sugar. When digesting the sugar they make lactic acid, which also dissolves the protective layer. But because this is done on a very small surface (the part where the food sticks too) the consequences are much worse. By doing both you are causing a lot of damage.

However, your teeth can repair themselves with the saliva in your mouth. It needs vitamins and minerals for this. Vitamin D is a big factor in dental health. Vitamin D regulates the mineral absorption of for example calcium. So, if you consume enough vitamins and don't let the plaque (bacteria that stick to the teeth) build up too much you should have no problems. However, consumingsour fruits, and this is the fact when the fruits are not totally ripe can have catastrophic effects and ruin your teeth, vitamins or not. So it is very important to consume only ripe oranges, since these are often consumed unripe by most people because people don't know that oranges need to ripen too after being bough.

if you brush too hard after consuming sour fruit, you also rub away this protective layer. So brush very soft at the spots where the plaque stays. At the gums there is always buildup of a lot of plaque. Most people don't brush their gums because they have sensitive gums or don't know that it is so important. Therefore if they start brushing their gums it starts to bleed and they get scared away. The problem with gums is that if you don't take care of them they will get recessed and this part is not protected anymore, because there used to be the gums that covered your teeth. So this area gets very vulnerable and you get caries very easily.

So what is important in dental health is to counter attack acidity. And this can be done most effectively by fat. Fat has a buffer effect on the acid and therefore sort of neutralizes it, simply put. You must also inspect your teeth with your tongue for dental plaque and brush these areas very carefully until it's gone. Water also helps to rinse away excessive bacteria.

In my opinion, normal toothpaste is a scam. The fluoride in toothpaste certainly acts as a mechanism to fill up the small pores in the teeth when attacked by acid, but I think that your teeth are supposed to do this by themselve perfectly fine. So your body gets unbalanced cause you are letting artificial substances do it for you. And this can never be a good thing in my opinion. Also, alot of toothpastes have a lot of abbrasives that rub away your plaque, but also weaken the protective layer even more. This is how people get dependent on the toothpaste, and if they stop using toothpaste they are at great risk. So if you're quitting normal toothpaste you have to make a slow transition I think.

I want to add that Im not recommending you to stop using toothpaste, but I do suggest you do your own research before you make choices. It's really easy to live your live as the average joe, but every once in a while our opinion on something changes again, and certainly isn't absoulute. My opinion is that nature provides already all answers and that we aren't adapted to all these new chemicals yet.

Like what's happening with the sun bathing oils:
We all want to look healthy and have a nice tan. I'm really pale naturally, but I also want a tan, hey it's a sunny day, sun provides UV, UV activates my skin to protect itself by making more pigment, let's go to the beach! Oh shit, I don't want to get a sunburn, I better protect my skin. Let's go to the shadow and put on something to cover my skin? NAAAH, just put this unnatural chemical on it and I can still bath in the sun for hours after hours, oh I'm so healthy because of all the sunlight!!
Where is the logic in this story? There is none, it's just that people don't really think but just copy and paste what everyone else does. And that's dictated by the commerce, which feeds itself with fear of the normal people.
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by fred »

Does banana juice (mixed with orange juice) help to counteract the acidity of orange ?
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by RRM »

fred wrote:Does banana juice (mixed with orange juice) help to counteract the acidity of orange ?
Yes, it makes the mix less acidic than OJ alone.
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by fred »

Thank you RRM.

Is-it fine for my teeth to have a sip of orange-banana juice and eat right after a bit of coconut oil. I am not a big fan of olive oil because it stings my throat when I drink it alone (even though it is organic and made from ripe fruits). Of course I could mix olive oil with my juice, but it does not remove the stinging unhealthy substances that probably come from the olive stones. I unfortunately can't afford olive oil without stone.
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by RRM »

Sure, its fine.
Denocciolato does not have to be expensive at all. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1250
Or simply rinse with water...
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by fred »

What is your experience with the denocciolato from oleumvieste.com ? Do they use ripe olive ?
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by overkees »

The taste of the olives at oliopace.it is still stingy and I think it's because the olives aren't totally ripe. I can't imagine the other cheap denocciolato from oleumvieste is well riped, it's even cheaper than the oliopace olive oil. The question is if you want to pay +30 euros/L for riped denocciolato. Or choose between ripe with stone and not totally ripe without the stone. I think because only the oil is used, and there is alot of oil in the seeds, that unripe without in this case is better.

I must say that the taste however is really soft and fruity and when added to OJ it enhances it's taste. I have found that combining OO with really ripe oranges doesn't go well. If the OJ is really sour it actually tastes alot better, but with the ripe oranges only 1 spoon/1.5 L is enough. If I add more it tastes horrible.

I think that the antioxidants and/or phenols and vitamin e activity in olive oil is so good, especially in the denocciolato (2 to 3 times better than most organic EVOOs) that the stinginess could cause very little to no harm. Also adding alot of olive oil totally takes away this feeling, so I think taste is the most important factor at work here. Too bad all the other denocciolatos are so overpriced. Also the omega6 content of olive oil is very very good, the best there is.

The next time I'm buying from oliopace Im going for their mild olive oil and again for the denocciolato. But I still have 5.3L to consume.
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Re: Whiter teeth?

Post by fred »

Thank you for your feedback overkees!

What do you mean by "the omega6 content of olive oil is very very good" ? I thought it was more a question of balanced between om3 om6 om9...

Well, between an unriped denocciolato and a riped olive oil pressed with stones, I choose coconut oil for now :)
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