The ultimate munch combo

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The ultimate munch combo

Post by zackcentury »

I do some hiking and backpacking, so I've been trying to come up with easily prepared, satisfying, packable foods. I don't do the diet 100%, but I use it as a general guide. I've come up with one idea that combines some of my favorite munch foods:
1 bag potato chips, I like "krinkle" cut or kettle
your choice of soft, spreadable cheese
1 slice bacon, chopped to make bacon bits

Just spread the cheese on a chip, sprinkle some bacon bits on top, and eat. I would recommend baking the bacon rather than frying it, because if it's from a sick pig in the first place, you probably don't want it cooking in it's sick fat.

This recipe is only for when chips, bacon, and cheese are not individually satisfying enough haha.
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Re: The ultimate munch combo

Post by Marrrianne »

im sorry but that just sounds ridiculous to me. Chips are disgusting enough as they are the same with bacon..why?!!
Maybe im just being judgmental here but seriously..
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Re: The ultimate munch combo

Post by panacea »

I'm starting to wonder if there's something 'wrong' with wai dieters. As in, if 85%+ of the population that has a choice what to eat they choose unhealthy foods, almost always knowingly, or pretend to themselves that something is healthy and shun all opposing ideas to feel better about it, so this suggests that the happiness/satisfaction these unhealthy foods give are more important at that time to humans (the majority of the time) than prolonging life and increasing long term quality of life!

So although it seems a no-brainer that the long term is better - is it really to all people, or just the minority? Another example is TV, almost anyone, if they think about it before they answer, will say TV is pretty much garbage. Yet so manyyy people (who have the choice) watch TV anyway. So the entertainment from tv, satisfactory taste from junk foods, etc, seem to outweigh the costs of shortened, lesser quality of life and outweigh the benefits of prolonged, higher quality life. While of course to any thinking person this is bassackwards, it seems to be the reality - so the question is, since most people today, when it comes to health, are at least motivated to want to want to be healthy, regardless of if they have the wrong information, yet when presented with the right information (like on waiworld) so many revert back to their junk food ways or never try wai hardcore at all. So if Free Will was real, wouldn't this number be close to a %50 successful waidiet adoption rate? Yet over so many years there have been relatively few (complete conversions) compared to how many don't adopt, halfway adopt, etc. So, do addictions overpower free will, or does free will even exist?

This is an important question because if it doesn't exist, or if it exists in a rather diminished fashion - then the blame is not only on peoples seeming 'ignorance' or lack of foresight, but rather a chain of events since their birth (really before their birth, but that's complicated).

(Personally, I feel as if there is no free will, but that's no excuse to do nothing - it simply means when something happens I don't have to feel bad about it and regret it or hate myself past its worthiness to my education - because it was always bound to happen, and if I don't like how things are bounding up to happen - then my fate 'changes' (in my perspective) to accomodate my new 'enlightenement' which was a reaction to the previous chain of events all along..., kind of like how everything else in the universe works - some planet explode a trillion gazillion lightyears from here, eventually the force of that explosion may hit trillion gazillion things and impact that many things - and those things may impact further things and on and on forever, and even though it was always going to end up that one way, as an explosion has no free will to change course, no one could have foreseen the reactions to that event in all it's intricacy a trillion years in the future.)

For some reason humans think they are above animals, physics, and the universe, but I believe that's very wrong, we are simply a more complicated 'chain of events' who are aware of a lot of things but still not aware of the future consequences in all their detail. Because of this lack of knowledge/mental ability we feel we have the power to influence the future, when really we only have the power to influence just like a star or any other thing in the universe does in it's own unique way.
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Re: The ultimate munch combo

Post by RRM »

panacea wrote:As in, if 85%+ of the population that has a choice what to eat they choose unhealthy foods, almost always knowingly, or pretend to themselves that something is healthy and shun all opposing ideas to feel better about it, so this suggests that the happiness/satisfaction these unhealthy foods give are more important at that time to humans (the majority of the time) than prolonging life and increasing long term quality of life!
I dont think that people know.
People dont know what to believe anymore, as what is 'healthy', changes with time.
Fat is bad, fat is not bad, saturated fats are bad, saturated fats are not bad, sugar is bad, sugar is not bad,
alcohol is bad, a few glasses of wine are fine, and yet not, running is good for you, and maybe not...
etc etc etc
People dont know what to believe, so that they stick to what they like.
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Re: The ultimate munch combo

Post by Oscar »

Marrrianne wrote:im sorry but that just sounds ridiculous to me. Chips are disgusting enough as they are the same with bacon..why?!!
Maybe im just being judgmental here but seriously..
I agree, but when you're addicted it does combine some of the most addictive substances, the opioid peptides in the cheese and the HCAs in the bacon. Possibly taste enhancers in chips.
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