The "burn"?

How to prevent unwanted weightloss, and/or even gain muscles
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The "burn"?

Post by fictor »

RRM, you suggest that one should use high rep weight training to strengthen and enlarge the muscles you want to. Each set should produce a burning sensation in the muscle.

Today, while browsing one of my favorite online exercise resources, I came across this:

I quote from the article: "Although the burning sensation may be indicative of the effectiveness of the exercise as it pertains to a specific type of muscular endurance, it does not efficiently promote strength, power, or muscle development. In actuality, an exercise that does not induce the burning sensation may be superior for the development of strength and, possibly, muscular size."

What do you make of this, RRM?Is it simply wrong, or is your recommended way of training not the most effective to build strength or promote growth in the targeted muscle(s), but recommended because it does not initiate a hormone roller coaster, as more effective training techniques might do?
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Re: The "burn"?

Post by RRM »

fictor wrote:is your recommended way of training not the most effective to build strength or promote growth in the targeted muscle(s), but recommended because it does not initiate a hormone roller coaster, as more effective training techniques might do?
Sure, techniques that initiate such a "hormone roller coaster", will more readily pump up your muscle volume, but if we talk about efficiency, than this 'burning sensation' is very efficient as it takes much less time and effort (and is effective). And of course for people susceptible to acne, boosting testosterone levels is not really a safe option.
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Post by johndela1 »

To determine what is the best method of training you must have a goal. If you want to develop power (the ability to move things quickly) you wont get it doing high reps low weight.

There are also differnt ways to increase your strength. You can build more muscle or you can learn to recruit more of the muscle fibers you already have (neuromuscular coordination)
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Post by fictor »

Thank you for your answer, RRM. You confirmed what I was suspecting.

john: I dont really care much about strength, explosive strength or stamina, to me what matters is muscle volume. I suspected that high rep until failure was not the best way to develop muscle volume, but I needed to ask RRM if he promotes this as a good way of working out because it does not cause testosterone to skyrocket (causing acne). He confirmed my assumptions.
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