panacea's diet log

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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

wake up at 6:45 am
eat breakfast at 7:40 am: 4 or 5 valencias pressed into oj and sieved, no fiber no sugar
sometimes I skip this meal because in a hurry

snack on Evian water (very little of it) until 11:30 am which is my lunch time

at 11:30 am (lunch) i eat 1.5 to 2 fistfuls of ham or turkey along with 8 to 10 valencias worth of oj (sieved, no sugar) drunk after consuming the meat

snack on Evian water (very little of it) until 5:20 pm which is my first dinner

eat maybe 0.5 to 1 fistful of ham or turkey, along with 8 to 12 valencias worth of oj (sieved, no sugar)

after this I snack on valencias oj (sieved, no sugar) and meat as I feel my body needs it, usually consuming another .5 fistful of meat and 10-16 more valencias worth of oj (sieved, no sugar) until bedtime at midnight

usually I will drink a small sip of evian water before bed

that's about it for me, I don't feel like I need anything more, but I have an extremely sedentary life. I have stopped the yolks and avocado and melons, the melons are no longer in season here (no juice in them, too dry) or I would eat them also. The yolks, I just dont feel like I need them yet. The taste doesnt bother me on the deli meat I just wont add it unless I crave it which I havent yet except for 1 day a while ago.
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by Aytundra »

Always click "preview" before you click submit.
I lost the post posting questions to your diet log, because I did not click preview, but then I clicked back, clicked preview, then clicked submit and I finally posted those questions. {or it could just be the board having a prejudice against your diet log...}

{Edits after seeing panacea's post above mines}: Nice you just time travelled before my post Panacea! You've got time travelling abilities! Yay! :D
Last edited by Aytundra on Fri 10 Oct 2014 23:03, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by Aytundra »

so your deli meat covers your oils and calories basically?
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

I don't know, I just know this diet prevents all cravings (except for oj and meat) and I have better energy and mental clarity than I ever did on the previous junk food diet, but just about any diet is better than my last one

probably in a week or two my body will alert me if anything is missing, and probably a few egg yolks will solve all major nutritional deficiencies
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

I want to clarify, when I smell fast food or see other people eating typical meals like at work, I envy the food and the smell, but not anywhere close to the extent that it used to (it would overwhelm me and I wouldn't last a day, I'd sit there and daydream about that food until I got it). I just had no way to stop it. Now, I just start daydreaming about sieved OJ or ham (turkey is not appealing to me as much lately, I really love the fat parts of the ham and taste of the added honey (they add it as a natural preservative or something))

anyway, the main problem is I don't have those foods at work when the junk foods are around, but I'm still able to control myself easily until I get my next healthy meal
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

I don't know if my newfound willpower has to do with these two factors or not, but these are the two factors that I noticed after I started this diet and happily found I had the ability not to give in to any fleeting junk food cravings:

I had severe constipation after eating subway sandwhiches for lunch and dinner for 2 weeks straight, so much bread and veggies and things I never ate typically, was suddenly constipating me severely, probably the bread wiped out a lot of my villi, they are still recovering as I still have mild constipation (probably due to a soft diet rather than one with rough-age, but I plan to fix that with vibration machine or pears and their fiber if the vibrations doesn't work).
I theorize that the intestinal damage the bread/subway did to my gut somehow prevented "gut cravings" inspired by some bacteria or habitual routine going on there, I'm not sure how this makes sense to me, I just have a hunch, I know myself pretty well and self control is not ordinary for me.
The other theory (or it could be both) is that I've started to synchronize movie-time (one of the most sought-after happy times of my day) with my main meals - lunch and first dinner and evening snacks. I watch a lot of tv shows/movies on my computer and juice the oranges at my computer table and drink them, as well as eat meat there, while tv shows and movies are going. this no doubt creates an extra "happy sensation" for eating this way and continuing the routine. I did this accidentally at first, out of laziness, and later realized it probably psychologically helps me. I still think the gut factor is the main one though, as long as I can remember, whenever I craved foods (usually soda, chocolate milk, sugar, or fast food like burgers/chicken and the batter on them or french fries and ketchup) then I would get these hunger pangs in my belly. Now, I still get the sensation of hunger for these foods when I smell them - but it all happens in my brain and not my belly much anymore, which is so much easier to control.

Note: I would not suffer from constipation on subway or this diet if I actually had normal exercise/movement around like most people my age (24), but alas I'm always sitting infront of a computer
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by Aytundra »

nice, if it works for you that is great! :)
I am jealous, I crave deli meats now, but everything nearby me is loaded with salt. I don't think there is brand that is salt-less in the shop near me.
[and I got a "You cannot make another post so soon after your last."]
panacea wrote:The other theory (or it could be both) is that I've started to synchronize movie-time (one of the most sought-after happy times of my day) with my main meals
watch out, I see a pavlov panacea, classical conditioning. ;D
[and I got another,"You cannot make another post so soon after your last." {taps fingers and wait. The Wai clock is so slow, it is a "slow clock".}]
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

I think one of the meats I get has sea salt as a preservative, but I don't avoid it, I actually support sea salt, anyway it's not a lot as I can't even taste it.
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by Aytundra »

panacea wrote: if I actually had normal exercise/movement around like most people my age (24), but alas I'm always sitting infront of a computer
I am probably in a very similar situation.
panacea wrote:I don't know if my newfound willpower has to do with these two factors or not, but these are the two factors that I noticed after I started this diet and happily found I had the ability not to give in to any fleeting junk food cravings:
Good you found willpower.

What I think matters is not necessarily the idea of real sports or real exercise or real training,
like in some posh exercise gear and fancy gym membership, or having the great outdoors.
What matters is to actually get yourself to move your muscles internally.

I remember reading about an USA olympic athlete, male swimmer who trains not in water, but on land. I was like what, no water? but you are a swimmer.
The video showed him balancing on an exercise ball, and actually doing the swim strokes or maybe not even strokes, but just moving the muscles.
I guess what I am trying to say is that it does not matter where you are at: a gym, a racetrack, on a treadmill, on a ball, in the water...etc.
What really matters is that when you close your eyes and that gym, racetrack, treadmill, ball, water, disappear or any external factors disappear {they are an illusion} at the end of the day it was/is actually your muscles moving, what counts is that you are moving the muscles as you intend them to/ train them to.

When you ask for an external vibration machine, it might do the trick in relieving your constipation,
but even if you sit at a computer or tv, you should be able to move your muscles, and exercise yourself.
And muscles don't do much they only exist in two states: they are simply either in contraction or relaxation mode;
so all you have to do is find the right muscles and contract and release them at will with your willpower.
A tundra where will we be without trees? Thannnks!
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

im from the carbon dioxide camp, as well as believe exercise's main benefits comes from aerobic exercise in outdoor fresh air (or indoor if all hardwood floor no carpets no furniture and window screens rather than a/c etc), hard vibrations from barefoot impact or hard surface with shoes, nasal breathing of course, sweating (and cooling with outside air) etc.
extra muscle is useless to me, it has no purpose in a modern life, all i want is great circulation, digestion, sleep, energy/endurance levels, etc.

i also dont believe in willpower i was just using it as a common saying. i believe everything is determined by previous events.
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

vibration machine is to remove constipation, allow for increased energy due to no constipation, i will apply that increased energy to walking 15 min each day, then build up to more minutes until i hit 45, then start fast walking or jogging then go to running then build that up to 120 min per day (two 60 min sessions spread out) which is all the devoted exercise i need
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by Aytundra »

panacea wrote:im from the carbon dioxide camp, as well as believe exercise's main benefits comes from aerobic exercise in outdoor fresh air
I don't disagree on the benefits of carbon dioxide, or aerobic exercise, or outdoor fresh air, you can still do that by bringing your laptop to your back yard or park while you jog on the spot or something. I was just saying that you can move your muscles where-ever and when-ever you want, as your muscles reside in you, you carry them with you everywhere; You basically don't have an excuse on not doing exercise* if you had wanted to, if you had desired to, if you had the will power** to...
*Exercise, I mean "The" exercise, not just any exercise, but the specific exercise that you had your heart set on. In which case it looks like you have a plan: (it looks like a specific strategy too, so maybe you are going to get somewhere on your exercise instead of dreaming of exercising.
**(uhm, I mean to say "not will-power", but all the "prerequisite factors": i.e. exercise strategy, exercise plan, exercise technique, enough extra calories to spare for exercise...)
panacea wrote:i will apply that increased energy to walking 15 min each day, then build up to more minutes until i hit 45, then start fast walking or jogging then go to running then build that up to 120 min per day (two 60 min sessions spread out) which is all the devoted exercise i need
as for saving time (or for more efficient exercise time), i am theoretically on the HIIT gibala camp, because I think it saves time (more efficient with science articles to back up the quicker method) or I am just lazy.
panacea wrote:i also dont believe in willpower i was just using it as a common saying. i believe everything is determined by previous events.
So you still believe in predeterminism,
I had much fun reading that discussion between you and Kasper. :) viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2625&hilit=quantum&start=45
I side with both of you. (on the fence)
Rather I believe in degrees of freedom, not exactly predeterminism nor free will but something in-between.
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

I tried a treadmill, even if you could hook one up outside and fit a laptop on a table, you can't type or move the mouse well if you're walking as it's relentless. What we really need is an almost frictionless human-sized hamster wheel (there is one already made but I understand it has a lot of friction), which has a computer desk going through it, then you can walk at your own pace while reading a webpage or watching a movie, and stop walking to coordinate typing/moving the mouse or if you're tired. Then you aren't constantly switching focus to the start/stop or slow down/increase speed buttons of a treadmill. Also, the artificial pace of a treadmill and the surface of it on my barefeet or socks just annoys me, it's worse than just walking without a computer in front of you. The real solution is to use a smartphone while walking or jogging (for playing music, or reading aloud webpages in your ear, or reading it while walking then thinking about what you read and then running/jogging) Since it's hard to read or watch a movie on a smartphone while you're jogging or running (purely for reason of holding your arm/hand in a still spot).

That discussion with Kasper was like three years ago, I've read and thought about it a lot more since then, it's clearer to me than it ever was, if I had to choose some concept I was absolutely certain of that would be it, there is evidence of it everywhere you look. If I were to put everything I'd learned in my nearly 24/7 digital escapade of scouring for information on "what is life, really?" since I was 15 it would shock most people but it can fit in a single paragraph. It really makes the universe seem so simple and so much different than most people think all at once.

What I've inferred from connecting all of the dots (or bits of information) that I've collected is that we are semiaquatic apes, roaming around in a pitch black (colorless and lightless) universe full of a single type of infinite substance (which has to have volume to exist) which has a single force (attraction to greater densities of itself), completely at the mercy of the same force that binds the universe (no free will, just a complex causational existence) while giving ourselves the illusion of self-control just as ingeniously as we give ourselves the illusion of light and colors (which are just interpreted by the brain/eyes, and not actually there in the way we see it, if we saw the entire electromagnetic spectrum it would be a blur, what we really do is pick and choose parts of the universe to pay attention to with our eyes in order to navigate the important parts to us). We live in a world today where we eat foods that have been processed and handled to the extreme, in an environment with dwindling carbon dioxide levels at a faster pace than our body can adapt (so that we are starving of oxygen if not living healthy) and where we are generally becoming more sedentary, slowly killing ourselves, always thinking there will be more time or no immediate consequences, giving ourselves more diseases than we can quantify, participating in a rat race (the work-for-money model) that redistributes the wealth and therefore power of the human collective to a relatively small elite group of people, who themselves operate based on the same social programming the majority of the rest of us do. Every day when I go to work, the only thing that makes it bearable is the constant humorous undertones (that only I seem to be aware of), such as my extremely greedy boss who will lie, cheat, and steal from his own grandmother to make a buck, who would spill oil into the public water supply and poison the towns children to death in order to promote his own comfort and buy a new car, but yet is very christian and religious and has a strong drive to go to heaven, while his wife who clearly drank the kool-aid of her religious upbringing would resent you for life if you came off as "rude" and would rather give her husbands money to save a cute dolphin than starving children, because the cute dolphin was on tv or the internet and formed an emotional connected while the children are just too horrifying to think about at the dinner table. I realized a long time ago that this isn't evil, it is the same programming that lies inside all of us to some extent and is simply encouraged, or not, depending on our life circumstances and events. The conclusion is that humans are extremely poor at rationalization, unless trained relentlessly, but if they are trained or aren't trained, they believe they are almost flawless at rationalization anyway.

I could really go on forever with the humors of everyday life (like when people pray to "God" and get better advice than therapists can give them because they were actually honest with themselves for once since they believed "God" actually knows them and their secrets, so they speak to him (really, they speak to themselves) about their problems in an honest fashion, revealing clarity of thought about the problem, then they use their idea of God to imagine what advice he would give or what they should morally do and sometimes end up solving their problem, all by themselves, under the pretext of "God".) I think if these religious people spent an hour thinking about the fact that 95% of life is horror - that most animals are born confused or in pain of some kind and then struggle almost their entire lives to feed themselves, compete for mates, and inevitably get captured and eaten with their skull crushed in a predators teeth or some other bloody event, and then zoom out and realize entire galaxies (perhaps with planets with life on them just like ours) are being scorched, frozen, and colliding with asteroids, planets, supernovae, etc. and just generally being destroyed mercilessly all the time, maybe these people would start to realize how funny their beliefs are.
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by dime »

panacea wrote:I tried a treadmill, even if you could hook one up outside and fit a laptop on a table, you can't type or move the mouse well if you're walking as it's relentless. What we really need is an almost frictionless human-sized hamster wheel (there is one already made but I understand it has a lot of friction), which has a computer desk going through it, then you can walk at your own pace while reading a webpage or watching a movie, and stop walking to coordinate typing/moving the mouse or if you're tired. Then you aren't constantly switching focus to the start/stop or slow down/increase speed buttons of a treadmill. Also, the artificial pace of a treadmill and the surface of it on my barefeet or socks just annoys me, it's worse than just walking without a computer in front of you. The real solution is to use a smartphone while walking or jogging (for playing music, or reading aloud webpages in your ear, or reading it while walking then thinking about what you read and then running/jogging) Since it's hard to read or watch a movie on a smartphone while you're jogging or running (purely for reason of holding your arm/hand in a still spot).
Checkout the solution Linus Torvalds has come up with: ... 000031760/
What I really like lately is doing a session on indoor bike for 1-2 hours (spinning) at slow aerobic pace with nose breathing, while reading a book on a kindle that I put in front on the handlebars. The boredom on indoor bike is suicidal, this way I barely notice 1-2 hours passed. I guess audio book would be even better.
vibration machine is to remove constipation, allow for increased energy due to no constipation, i will apply that increased energy to walking 15 min each day, then build up to more minutes until i hit 45, then start fast walking or jogging then go to running then build that up to 120 min per day (two 60 min sessions spread out) which is all the devoted exercise i need
I think you're being very unrealistic, probably because of lack of experience in running. 120 min of running at a comfortable pace is more or less half a marathon, you could end up at the olympics with that amount of training; you can't keep up with that every day. Better aim at 1 hour a day, with maybe 2 hours once a week in the weekend or so.
My motto has always been "bike rather than walk", so running is a pain for me now that I'm trying it lately.. running for an hour produces knee pain for a week(s) afterward. So finally now I decided to give it a try at adapting slowly to it over the next year, increasing running time slowly on a monthly basis. Somewhere I've read that your body adapts to a new (fitness) challenge within a month - the first week it adapts 50% to the new stress, in two weeks another 50% so in total it's 75%, third week 87.5%, and by the end of the month it's practically adapted. What I find inspiring in this 'theory' is that there is like some guarantee that within a month you will adapt to any stress, as long as this stress is an amount that does not injure you. I'd say the same applies to diet, probably you'll need to go through a whole month to get used to your new diet and get rid of the constipation that has been initiated by the previous diet.
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Re: panacea's diet log

Post by panacea »

120 min of running (60 min sessions, one in the morning one in the evening) is my final goal, not what I expect to be doing any time soon. Of course, I'm going to build up to it gradually, by starting with walking, then going to faster walking, then jogging, then running, and build up the duration in each stage.
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