Maya's diary

If you are not sure whether you are doing the diet right, create your own diet diary here, so others can take a look at it.
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Post by dionysus »

It is very easy to lose weight on this diet. It can become a problem though so it is something to watch out for. :)
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Post by Christina »

Can you read in Italian? I wish, I could. Or Spanish.
I'm jealous, now you're losing weight without even trying.
Maybe I should also start a journal here. Could be that I'm still doing sth. wrong and could use some feedback.
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Post by Maya »

Christina, I am studying translation (language combination English - Italian) and before that I was learning Spanish for four years, but already could understand the majority (learned from watching telenovelas :lol: ). I think both are beautiful languages. In the future I would also like to learn French. :P
Christina, did you initially start this diet because of acne or overweight? I think it could be really a good think to write a diary about what you eat every day and also about youu progress, feelings... For me it is interesting to re-read it sometimes and also helpful if the results (which you are expecting...) are not those who you want them to be... So, start your diary. :wink: I also like to get some feedback.

This is what I ate today (although the day is not over yet) - 21 October - DAY 7 (I can't believe it that it is already a WEEK!!! :P :P ;D ):
- 2 prunes, 1/2 apple, juice of 2 mandarines + OO
- banana (sliced), honey, crushed walnuts: I LOVE the recipe which I found on this forum:
1 banana
crushed walnuts
raw honey
beautiful plate

1 banana on a plate...drizzle with raw honey...crush walnuts with a rolling pin or a cup...cover the banana with the walnuts....

- 1 mandarin, 1 dried fig, salad (cucumber, tomato, carrot, lettuce, OO & balsamic vinegar)
- 1/2 apple, 3 dried figs and salad (what's let of it)

I think someone who decides to follow this diet, has to have really great determination. This weekend was a little hard for me. All this beautiful smells around me... mum cooking lunch, boyfriend making sandwinches (with yummy crunching toast) and cheese-apple pie.... :roll: Sometimes it is really to resist temptations, but I WILL NOT GIVE IN so quickly. I am capricorn and capricors are really stubborn. :twisted: :D
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Post by Maya »

I just had another meal. Sliced banana with crisched walnuts and honey; this time I added also dried coconut ! :D I read this is allowed. As I love coconut and the smell of it, I was wondering... can we also use coconut flour or coconut butter? I googled it and found out that coconut flour is a good source of protein and is high in fiber. What about coconut milk?

Later, my last meal will be OJ + 1 egg yolk.
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Post by Christina »

Hi Maya
I started the diet to lose 10-25lbs. I'm a size 10 and would like to be a size6. I've been there before but only on extreme diets. I gained weight 6 +1/2 years ago when I stopped smoking and bad undereating and coffee habits. I get some pimples around my period, too, which I could do without. Otherwise, I just want to be in a good mood, healthy, balanced.
Raw food makes a lot of sence to me.
I'm going to a raw food potluck here in SB today.
I speak some French but not fluent and German. But I am planning on learning Spanish. Languages are such a great asset in life. If you work or not.
Stay strong against all the yummy food smells. It's so worth it! :D
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Post by dionysus »

Christina wrote: Maybe I should also start a journal here. .
HIGHLY recommend this. Not just for the Wai Diet but also a 'life journal'. Really helps to gain focus and grow.

I'll tell you something. I've been on this diet for a year, two batches of six months to be exact, and the way i feel about food has radically changed. I don't see food as a source of pleasure anymore but solely as a source of energy. I guess because my energy levels are always at their 'optimal level' i've stopped seeking food as place of comfort/pleasure purely because i don't need it. I feel good pretty much all the time. Pretty amazing really.

Though there is one thing i do look forward to everyday....sashimi! I think this is because of the omega fatty acids. I feel a real sense of calmness after eating sashimi.

Now, this could all be bollocks. I could have 'tricked' myself into thinking like this because i had to make the Wai Deit work. It was the last chance salon for me with regards to acne.
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Post by RRM »

dionysus wrote:there is one thing i do look forward to everyday....sashimi! I think this is because of the omega fatty acids. I feel a real sense of calmness after eating sashimi.
You are certainly not alone in this. Besides the omega fats, it may also be the cholesterol... (one day try a few egg yolks, and you will notice an even stronger effect)
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Post by Maya »

My food today:
- 1/2 L OJ with 2 tbsp OO (till noon)
- sliced banana with walnuts, honey and dried coconut
- salad (lettuce, small carrot, tomato, cucumber, OO& balsamic vinegar)
- 4 mandarins + salad
- 2 mandarins - salad
- 1 kiwi + few peaces of pineapple + juice of 2 mandarins (1 dlc) with 2 egg yolks

And now my moday evening with Ugly Betty & Desperate housewifes's! :lol:
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Post by Maya »

Is exercising helpful in getting rid of acne?

Also, I noticed that on this diet I don't drink as much water as I used to. This is probably because of all water that fruit/vegetables contain. I drink up to one litre a day, but maybe I should drink more as water cleanse yor body right? :oops:
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Post by Oscar »

Drinking less (or no) water is normal. I personally don't drink water at all, but I'm still getting 1.5 liters water through the fruit.
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Post by Maya »

Today was my 9TH DAY! Pimples are still forming (as the skin is still clearing up) but I notice that they heal faster and there are no GIANT acne and big bumps. So, I am continuing with optimism. :D
This is what I ate today:
- 1 banana, 1 mandarin, raisins, hazelnuts
- salad (tomato, 1/2 cucumber, OO)
- 3 mandarins, walnuts
- 1 apple (granny smith :P ), walnuts
- 2 mandarins, walnuts, 3 dried figs
- sliced banana with honey, crusched walnuts and dried coconut (yummy :mrgreen: )
- 1 dcl OJ + 2 egg yolks
- water: 1 L

On this diet I feel really good; not tired at all and happy that I am treating my body so nicely. 8)
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Post by Oscar »

Good! :)
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Post by Maya »

I have one question. I just made a fruit salad of one banana, pineapple (80 g), dried coconut and crusched walnuts. Is it neccessary to add also the walnuts or is dried coconut actually my source of fat? :oops:

I am crazy about coconut! :D One of these days all go and buy my very first coconut (fresh). :P This is allowed right?
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Post by Christina »

Fresh coconut is better. By the way what kind of dried coconut are you using. How has it been dried and what's in it? Regular packaged stuff is mostly not raw. Even just shelled nuts are often not raw and are better bought in the shell.
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Post by Christina »

Oh, and make sure the dried fruit, like raisins are definitely sun dried and unsulfured and possibly organic, since grapes are highly sprayed.
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