Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

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Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by MarciavD »

Last week I’ve been reading a lot about imbalanced hormones and I putted myself to some tests. It seems I have too much estrogens and not enough progesterone. This results in a wide variety of physical and psychological effects and one of them is PMS. I finally understand where my cravings come from (lack of serotonin), which gives me hope there is a cure. This also clarifies why is it so hard to loose fat from my legs – hips and buttocks and why my body seems imbalanced (way more fat on lower body, I think it's not very well proportioned)

I also tested my iodine (by using some Betadine on my skin and clocking the time in which the orange spot disappears) and – according to that test - I have a great deficit. I think this is the cause of my higher level of estrogens, because a lack of iodine gives a higher production of estrogens.
Of course I want to cure my imbalanced hormones by eating the right food. The hormone consulent gave me some supplements (mostly just vitamins) and she doesn’t believe my problems can be solved with (just) adjustments in my eating habits because I already eat so healthy. I want to disagree with her and I hope you agree with me that it is curable with Wai and I just need some adjustments?

For the last couple of years I hardly had any period at all, but last year (since I started Wai, first instance to cure acne) there is something happening every now and then: unfortunately not on a regular base and with great inconvenient behavior (mood swings, anger, etc) and physical problems.
I have to goals (I guess): increasing my intake of iodine and creating good circumstances so my levels of progesterone can get higher in order to get everything balanced, eventually even balance in my bodyfat-storage.

I’ve read in another thread about more yolks curing PMS (consuming up to 12 yolks per day). I also know yolks contain a lot of iodine and cholesterol (which is good to create more progesterone). But despite all things I already know, I am not sure I am doing this right and maybe you can help me out (again) on what I should or should not do. I don’t want to take the supps, because I want to know what eventually brought back the balance. (and we all know it's gonna be because of Wai, right?)

I planned to increase my yolks up to 10-12 daily but: should I do that if it means I retain more water?
Should I eat seeweed / chuka wakame? I know it isn’t part of Wai, but for a boost of iodine?
Are there other Wai-foods (non Animal) that I should take or other things I should or should not do?

On a normal day I drink 2L of OO with OJ and some sugar and eat my yolks with bananas and eat a couple of (peeled) whole fruits.
I regulary eat a avocado-tomato salad and once in a while I eat dried fruits and Medjool dates with some nuts.
I quitted IF last week, because of my terrible mood during the day and my very poor sleep during the nights. Eating small meals all day did give me back some of my sleep, but I am not having great nights (which also can be a symptom of my imbalanced hormones).
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by RRM »

MarciavD wrote:I planned to increase my yolks up to 10-12 daily but: should I do that if it means I retain more water?
Actually, the chances that it will make you retain more water are quite small.
Its is only 32 grams of protein.
The chances that it will diminish your symptoms is much bigger, as consuming much yolks works in most women.
Please eat them at night. But after eating them (not immediately) you should sip some OJ also, to prevent coating of the tongue (by the yolks) during the night.
Should I eat seeweed / chuka wakame?
That one is more likely to make you retain more water.
And im all for a step-by-step approach, so that we can anaylze what exactly makes a difference in you.
I know it isn’t part of Wai, but for a boost of iodine?
Normally, for a boost of iodine, you should eat seafish.
But, i think, it is essential that you will try the 12 yolks / day, and 12 yolks plus fish is too much.
So, instead, you can take 12 yolks plus iodine (supplement).
Are there other Wai-foods (non Animal) that I should take or other things I should or should not do?
I would chance as little as possible, so that we can distinguish the effects of those changes.
That is already hard enough with 2 changes (yolks plus iodine) at once.
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by MarciavD »

Please eat them at night.
As in: all in one sitting and right before bedtime?
And im all for a step-by-step approach
Me too! :D
So, instead, you can take 12 yolks plus iodine (supplement)
Any suggestions or remarks about brand / type of iodine supplement?
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by RRM »

MarciavD wrote:
Please eat them at night.
As in: all in one sitting and right before bedtime?
Yes, all in one sitting (maybe with avocado?), and about one hour before bedtime,
with some juice after.
So, instead, you can take 12 yolks plus iodine (supplement)
Any suggestions or remarks about brand / type of iodine supplement?
In the beginning, you should only slowly increase iodine intake, because a too fast increase in iodine might cause iodine-induced hyperthyroidism. This is particularly a risk when initial iodine deficiency is severe.
The RDA is 150 mcg.
So, my advice would be to only supplement 50 mcg daily (your intake from egg yolks will be 23 mcg), if possible.
After 2 weeks you may increase that to 100 mcg daily.
You might take a pill, or iodised water.
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by MarciavD »

Thanks RRM!
I just ate ten yolks with 200 gr banana.
I seriously love that combination and banana gives me some extra serotonin before bedtime. I don't always digest avocado combinations very well. Unless you say avocado is way better than banana....

Isn't this meal too big regarding storing bodyfat?
Or should I take care of emptying my glycoceen depots first?

I ordered some liquid supplement, it's kaliumiodine.
I hope to receive it soon and will slowly start using it.
Thanks again for your very helpful advice. :D
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by RRM »

MarciavD wrote:I just ate ten yolks with 200 gr banana.
I seriously love that combination and banana gives me some extra serotonin before bedtime. I don't always digest avocado combinations very well. Unless you say avocado is way better than banana....
No, banana-yolks is a fine combo. Excellent. Tasty also.
Isn't this meal too big regarding storing bodyfat?
Bodyfat is used for energy 24/7. While you are sleeping, the percentage of fat (of total energy sources) utilized for energy is greatest.
You need to look at the overall picture; the overall balance between utilising and storing bodyfat.
If you do not startyour day with breakfast and all other meals during the day are relatively small, this large meal at night will primarily serve to fully replenish your glycogen depots.
Or should I take care of emptying my glycoceen depots first?
It is most practical to do that in the morning, as by then you are already half-way.
Just skip breakfast and see how long you can go without downing anything.
That will do. Then you dont need to think about that for the rest of the day.
Continue your day with small meals to replenish your blood sugar.
Thanks again for your very helpful advice. :D
You are very welcome. Let us see where this experiment brings us.
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by MarciavD »

If you do not start your day with breakfast
I usually start my day with a long walk (6 km at least up to 8 km in weekends), so maybe I should not worry at all.
During the day I walk for almost another 10 km and I also do some lifting exercises now and then. ;D

It's been only a couple of days now, but I have to say I think this might actually work. I end up eating in a window of 10hrs again,
so I guess IF is kind of back on.
Let us see where this experiment brings us.
I have great expectations of this experiment!
I will keep you posted!

I have to say my family thinks I am going (even more) crazy. They already had their doubts about my eating habits, but now I told my parents I eat
12 egg yolks a days, they just didn't know how to respond. :lol:
I guess I shouldn't tell people about it, until I notice some changes (or even better: they notice changes in my behavior and physical + skin appearance). Luckily I live alone with my dog and he likes the egg whites, so he doesn't complain or judge at all. ;) (not giving him all of the whites!)

They also think I must be gaining weight by eating so many yolks, but the truth is I already lost 1 kg last week!
Must be excessive water from somewhere. I am happy already!
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by RRM »

The difference between gaining weight and losing weight can be extremely small on a daily basis, but very noticable in the long run. So, it is very much about nuances; about the details. The thing about egg yolks is that they are very satisfying, so that it is harder to overeat in general.
It is good to laugh about what others may think of you, because people who want to accomodate others instead of taking good care of their health, may just end up with what they opted for. It takes a strong spine to stand tall.
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by Emeira »

The thing about egg yolks is that they are very satisfying, so that it is harder to overeat in general.
probably added sweet flavor (orange juice or banana) changes everything :) because i can easily eat a mix of 7-10 yolks + orange juice + some strawberry or banana. But i can hardly finish 4 yolks alone.
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by MarciavD »

Emeira, you could be right. I never tried eating 10+ yolks without one banana (or two), the combination is soooo heavenly.

Fortunately, I am able to laugh at people who don't understand or care about health. I know I am doing the right thing and
that's what counts for me. And I simply love yolks, so eating 12 is like having a treat every day! :D

Is 12 yolks the max? Last night I woke up at 4am and I could not sleep again until I finished a bowl with another 5 yolks and a banana.
I ate +12 during the day / evening. It seems I can crave yolks, even if I already eat twelve. Is that too much or can I eat as much as
I (read: my body) desire(s), with a minimum of twelve?
I have to say I already buy 'large' eggs, the yolks weigh about 18-20gr each.
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by RRM »

Yes. I would say: listen to your body. Right now, it sounds like your body has got a taste of what it really craves for, and is desperately trying to get enough of it. This is probably a temporary thing. So just keep listening to your body, and only when your body feels like eating less yolks, only then eat less yolks.
And yes, the sweet taste is essential; the sugars enable the uptake of tryptophan uptake into the brain, for conversion to serotonin (and melatonin, subsequently). That is what makes you sleep well. Cholesterol activates the serotonin receptors.
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by MarciavD »

it sounds like your body has got a taste of what it really craves for
That's exactly what's happening!
I've struggled with cravings for a couple of years and now it all seems to make sense / now I finally understand what my body was telling me all
those years. Don't feel like overeating anymore. At last! Makes me happy! :D

So if I don't feel like eating yolks, I don't have to force myself eating at least 12?
Although I guess it will take some time before that happens! ;)
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by RRM »

MarciavD wrote: So if I don't feel like eating yolks, I don't have to force myself eating at least 12?
Although I guess it will take some time before that happens! ;)
You really never know; it may be tomorrow, it may be next year, it may be never.
You really never know, as everyone is different regarding this.
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by MarciavD »

Two weeks later and again I am struggling with finding balance regarding energy intake and deciding what + when to eat.
I don't have a craving for yolks anymore, but if I don't eat 10+ yolks, my mood is horrible. So I still seem to need them..

If I eat yolks only late at night, before bedtime, I seem to lack energy (and yolks) during daytime. I felt pretty good on the first days of this 'experiment' but since 10 days I am back at being completely confused and unfortunately out of control of what I eat and when I eat. I started to binge every other day. At least, that's how it feels..
If I consume small meals during the day, I end up eating a very big meal in the evening and I just cannot believe I need so much energy (and definitely not all at one sitting). I sometimes absolutely don't feel fine, don't feel energetic and even have headaches, but after a big meal of lets say 1000 kcal I start to feel alive again and my headache disappears. How is that possible? Don't I have enough glycogen or am I unable to use it?
I must be overeating, even when my glycogen depots are totally empty I should not eat 1000+ kcals in one sitting? For example, yesterday I ate 500 gr. of Medjoul dates AND 5 bananas with coconut oil in one sitting.
I also started to experience weird cravings. Longings for "eierkoeken" (never was a big fan) with cheese (haven't been eating cheese for years). I wanted them so bad, I even had dreams about it. I got so sick of this longing / feeling I bought a bag of eierkoeken and finished it in one sitting. Did not allow myself to buy and eat cheese. Eating the eierkoeken did not help at all, still dream about eierkoeken with cheese..

I used to calculate my calories / energy intake and wanted to consume about 2000 kcal, because that sounded normal and I didn't trust my body or mind. But with this new approach and in order to work 'with and not against' my body, I want to listen to my body and consume energy if I thought my body asked for it. I end up eating like a horse, on most days up to 3000 kcals. And because I am afraid of gaining, I try to compensate on the day after (and I don't succeed quite often ending up eating 3000 kcals again and building up frustration).
My weight is about 57 kg (1.74 cm tall) and I haven't had my period for two months now. Don't gain a lot, but sometimes surely am / feel bloated.
I feel completely crazy sometimes and I turn very very "hangry" when there's just little food available. (for example at the end of my working day)
Everyone is talking about consuming too little energy and I seem to be on the other side..
Is this due to my hormones? Could my iodine supp be causing this? Or is it morning coffee? And I frequently chew on chewing gum. Could that be it? Or is it simply possible I have to eat like a horse.. I walk about 4 hours a day, but that doesn't use that much energy, does it?
Should I go on a low carbs version of Wai? Is it my bloodsugar? I do consume oils with my juice / fruits.

I am sorry about this incoherent post. it's just I am a little (understatement) desperate and go crazy from hunger feelings. I want peace in my body and peace in my mind! I am thinking about food all day and I distracts me from work and everything else.. :(
I hope you can help me out a bit..
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Re: Hormonal imbalance - PMS and lack of jodine

Post by Aytundra »

MarciavD wrote:yesterday I ate 500 gr. of Medjoul dates AND 5 bananas with coconut oil in one sitting.
I wonder what will happen in the next few days.
MarciavD wrote:very very "hangry"
Looks like you are angry and hungry.

1 banana, 300 to 600 ml "juicy" fruits (oranges, pears), 1 avocado "solid"fruit feels like a stable meal to me. <--- my favourite stable meal, lasts me 3 hours.
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