Fish, not frozen, but sealed in air-tight bag?

About (not) consuming fresh raw fish and fresh raw egg yolks
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Fish, not frozen, but sealed in air-tight bag?

Post by sula58 »

At the fish counter in the grocery store they said that they don't freeze their fish...they seal the fish in air-tight bags~
They're brought in from Chile and the Carribean (I'm in New York)...does that really work? Is it okay to eat?

The salmon that I bought was delicious, very butter-y tasting. The tuna wasn't so fresh.
Thanks for any advice./knowledge about this, I really appreciate it!
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Re: Fish, not frozen, but sealed in air-tight bag?

Post by Monique »

thats coz d fish lasts longer coz no oxigen
must b ok
dunno why but tuna never seems fresh 2 me :p
Posts: 75
Joined: Sat 03 Sep 2005 00:01

Re: Fish, not frozen, but sealed in air-tight bag?

Post by sula58 »

thanks Monique! I really want to try some mackerel, too, because I've never had any.
So hopefully the fish from that grocery store is okay too eat (not "dirty")...they have little signs on the fish that say "not frozen!" and I was really excited about that.

Although, I live in NYC, and I was reading on the old board about a good fish market (on stuyvesant str.), and I got some from there yesterday and the fish was SO GOOD! And it comparison to that fish, the salmon from this grocery is only "eh", not "amazing"....ha ha, I guess now I have something to compare it too! And really fresh fish is very, very delicious, so I can't wait to get more.
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